SilverStripe Development Tools: Tasks

dev → tasks

Migrate SiteTree Linking Task

Updates legacy SiteTree link tracking into new polymorphic many_many relation
Run task

Database Migrations

Provide atomic database changes (subclass this and implement yourself)
Run task

Login Session Garbage Collection Task

Removes expired login sessions and “remember me” hashes from the database
Run task

Invalidate All Login Sessions Task

Removes all login sessions and "remember me" hashes (including yours) from the database
Run task

Clear InterventionBackend cache

Clears caches for InterventionBackend
Run task

Rewrite tags to shortcodes

Rewrites tags to shortcodes in any HTMLText field

- baseClass: The base class that will be used to look up HTMLText fields. Defaults to SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject
- includeBaseClass: Whether to include the base class' HTMLText fields or not
Run task

Migrate versionedfiles

If you had the symbiote/silverstripe-versionedfiles module installed on your 3.x site, it
is no longer needed in 4.x as this functionality is provided by default. This task will remove the old _versions
folders or protect them, depending on the strategy you use. Use ?strategy=delete or ?strategy=protect (Apache
only). [Default: delete]
Run task

Deletes all temporary test databases

Cleans up leftover databases from aborted test executions (starting with ss_tmpdb)
Run task

Migrate File dataobjects from 3.x and successive iterations in 4.x

Imports all files referenced by File dataobjects into the new Asset Persistence Layer introduced in 4.0.
Moves existing thumbnails, and generates new thumbnail sizes for the CMS UI. Fixes file permissions.
If the task fails or times out, run it again and if possible the tasks will start where they left off.
You need to flush your cache after running this task via CLI.
Run task

i18n Textcollector Task

Traverses through files in order to collect the 'entity master tables'
stored in each module.

- locale: Sets default locale
- writer: Custom writer class (defaults to i18nTextCollector_Writer_RailsYaml)
- module: One or more modules to limit collection (comma-separated)
- merge: Merge new strings with existing ones already defined in language files (default: TRUE)
Run task