A unique opportunity to realize your ideas
At Fridhem's Folk High School we have abstained ourselves from traditional classroom teaching. For us, the learning process is about being able to express individual ideas, discussing and exchanging experiences with participants and teachers, also being given time to transform theory into practice. The school's pedagogues are humble before the knowledge of partakers. Many of them have taught for the larger part of their life whilst others have one foot left in their working life on the side of teaching. This allows for you to have a varied education that follows the developments and changes in society.
At our school, you can choose to study one of our profile courses or arts courses. An arts course is suited for those of you that seek deeper knowledge within a certain area of the arts. You devote yourself to music, theatre, film or literary writing full-time. At our profile courses, you read up on qualifications for further study. Simultaneously, you will be engaging yourself in any of the following profile courses: Cross Media Design, Photography, College Preparatory, International or Painting and Visual Language.
In addition, you can also choose to attend one of the school's popular summer courses. Each summer little Svalöv comes to life when a thousand people come here to attend the school's summer courses. The range is wide and varied. What do you think about, for instance, a course in African dance, digital nature photography or film script writing? The choice is yours. To study at our school is both a social and instructive journey.